699 Windsong Trail
Austin, Texas 78746

OO Analysis and Design Course Catalog

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Courses.
Object-oriented analysis and design is the process of taking a problem and turning it into a documented architecture and design from which an object-oriented program can be developed. A successful design process requires a set of well-defined concepts and corresponding notations, and a suite of approaches one can use in attacking the problem (e.g., to decompose a problem into a set of classes). Where application extensibility and reuse are goals, however, notations and design strategies are not enough. Developing a flexible design entails applying a set of guidelines such as increasing cohesion and modularity, reducing coupling, and distributing behavior.

Objective Engineering currently offers the object-oriented analysis and design courses listed below. Our design courses teach notation, strategies, and guidelines for flexibility. They on complementary strategies and tactics from several methods and also cover system engineering issues such as concurrency, synchronization, and distribution. All multi-day courses stress “hands on” experience through numerous exercises and a student project.

Introduction to Object Technology.
Discusses basic object-oriented concepts. Outlines object-oriented development and some of the methods and languages that support it. Explains some of the benefits of object-oriented development. Duration: 1 day.

Modeling Functional Requirements with Use Cases.
Explains the application of use cases to the task of modeling the functional requirements of a system or application.  Illustrates how to describe the details of individual use cases. Duration: 2 days.

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Using the Unified Modeling Language (UML).
Presents a complete object-oriented analysis and design method that uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML) as its design notation. Duration: 5 days.

Advanced Object-Oriented Design with Patterns.
Describes through examples what design patterns are, how they are documented, and how they are developed and applied. Students are expected to apply existing patterns and to develop new patterns. Duration: 2 days.

Developing Object-Oriented Frameworks.
Describes through examples what frameworks are, how they are documented, and how they are developed and applied. Students are expected to develop several small frameworks. Duration: 2 days.

Business Modeling Using UML.
Describes the processes involved in constructing a business model, as well as the use of the UML notation to document that model. Duration: 2 days.

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) Notation
This course explains how to interpret basic UML notation.  It explains the fundamental concepts an notational conventions for the UML seven diagrams. Duration: 2 days.

Instructor: Most object-oriented design courses are taught by Charles Richter, principal, Objective Engineering. Mr. Richter has been involved in object-oriented development for almost two decades and has used and taught several popular object-oriented analysis and design methods. Read more about Objective Engineering and Mr. Richter at the Objective Engineering Company Information page. For information on our Java courses look at the Java Training Course Catalog.

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Last Update: 05/17/07